Agreements and depositing licenses
Adisp proposes to institutions or researchers that have data of interest to research in social sciences to deposit data in order to be archived and reused. The deposit is regulated by agreements guaranteed by the Ministry for Higher Education and Research for institutions, and depositing licenses for researchers (simplified procedure).
See an agreement example (french only)
See a depositing license example (french only)
Adisp does not own the data that it distributes. It holds and transfers the right to use data in order to promote research in the humanities and social sciences. The intellectual property rights for all data remain vested in the persons or institutions that have deposited the datasets.
Necessary documentation
The data dare to be accompanied with sufficient documentation to enable their reutilization. The documentation must contain:
The survey description and data files: please fill the
description notice (french only).
The survey questionnaire accompanied by all the material presented to the interviewee(s) and the instructions about the collection of information
which might not fit into the collection instrument (instructions to the surveyors, for example).
The codebook accompanied with the encoding instructions when the codes do not figure already in the data collection instrument.
Any written document able to provide additional information on the research approach or the data collection method.
The data files deposited at Adisp are prefered in SAS format (with labels and formats). They must be anonymised.
A secured sharing system to transfert data files is available.
We advise those who wish to deposit data to anticipate their approach. In gathering the bits of the dossier as they go along, they will avoid
an administrative overload at the time of deposit, thereby limiting any risk of error or forgetting of documents.
In addition, this enables a speedier distribution of the data.